Open Space Workplace

We are dynamic millennials who are challenged to be more productive, we are very open-minded and willing to develop with all new things, no longer have an interest in conventional work systems such as working in closed or partitioned rooms, and always want to be part of modern era progress.
An open workspace will make collaboration and communication between employees or between teams easier. In addition, the intensity of face-to-face interaction tends to be higher than working in a closed workspace.

A conducive work environment and a good learning management system will influence the increase of creativity in finding new ideas to innovate. A dynamic era requires us to always be adaptive to the changes that occur. The concept of open space for workspace interior design is one form of modernization that can be applied by the office so that the system and culture in it do not lag behind.

Electric Vehicle

The global commitment to promote clean energy, especially electric vehicles, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be more environmentally friendly. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced Along with green economy and low carbon development policies, the government has targeted to reduce greenhouse gas (CO) emissions according to the Enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (ENDC) document unconditionally from 29% to 31.89% and conditionally from 41% to 43.20%. By 2030, until entering the golden Indonesia era 2045, the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) effects is targeted to reach 81.9%. In addition to complying with the ENDC document resulting from the Paris agreement aimed at reducing the impact of global warming.

Eratek Integra Solusindo, PT is committed to supporting the government’s realization of the Presidential Regulation on the Acceleration of the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle Program for Road Transportation. We are optimistic about the future of Indonesia’s growing sustainability and electrification industry, and we will continue to be consistent in supporting the Indonesian Government’s target towards Net Zero Emissions in 2060.