The convenience offered by IoT certainly provides benefits for its users. Here are the benefits of using IoT that you can feel:

Energy efficiency

The concept of IoT can be used in various aspects of human life. Starting from education, health, industry, to households. The purpose of using this concept in certain fields is for energy efficiency. This is because IoT can increase the efficiency of company activities and reduce production costs and energy consumption. In addition, IoT can also optimize energy use by providing better control over the devices used. In other words, a user can set a minimum and maximum limit on the use of resources or devices so that they do not exceed the specified capabilities.


Another advantage provided by the IoT concept is that it can reduce the operational costs of a company or business. This concept also allows for device maintenance by monitoring and analyzing data in real-time. In addition, IoT networks can also help with complex work so that it can reduce HR costs. That way, a company or individual no longer needs to spend extra money to buy new equipment or pay employee salaries.

Increased productivity

With complex work systems such as the use of sensors, this concept will make it easier for users to give commands and perform activities. The access process received and generated by IoT works quickly and precisely so that users can be more practical in its use

Industrial IoT (IIoT) refers to the application of IoT technology in industrial settings, especially with respect to instrumentation and control of sensors and devices that engage cloud technologies. Refer to thisTitan use case PDF for a good example of IIoT. Recently, industries have used machine-to-machine communication (M2M) to achieve wireless automation and control. But with the emergence of cloud and allied technologies (such as analytics and machine learning), industries can achieve a new automation layer and with it create new revenue and business models. IIoT is sometimes called the fourth wave of the industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. The following are some common uses for IIoT:

– Smart manufacturing
– Connected assets and preventive and predictive maintenance
– Smart power grids
– Smart cities
– Connected logistics
– Smart digital supply chains

As IoT becomes more widespread in the marketplace, companies are capitalizing on the tremendous business value it can offer. These benefits include:

– Deriving data-driven insights from IoT data to help better manage the business
– Increasing productivity and efficiency of business operations
– Creating new business models and revenue streams
– Easily and seamlessly connecting the physical business world to the digital world to drive quick time to value